Tips For Transferring Overseas With A Pet

A large amount of military personnel get deployed out of the country. One of the decisions that they have to make is about the care of their pets. Transferring overseas with a pet should not be all that difficult even though you are called to duty abroad. It is just about following procedures and choosing the best option for your beloved animal.

It is not uncommon for military families to have pets and when they are being relocated to another country with service personnel, they are most likely allowed to bring their pet along with them. This is because it is understood that the family pet provides some measure of stability and comfort at a crucial time. Many studies have already documented just how pets keep their military families together since they help in reducing trauma and personal problems associated with site transfers.

So if you have been ordered to transfer to another country for a certain military duty and you plan on taking your pet with you, make sure that you have arranged everything as early as you can. One of the records that you should have prepared is the health history of your pet. Verify that you have gathered all of the pieces of information regarding the health of your animal including documents that show its medical history, medications, and vaccines if they exist. If you lost them or you do not have a copy of the papers, call a veterinarian to get hold of the records.

You should also be ready with medical supplies. You can request that your veterinarian gives you at least a 3-month supply of medicine for your pet animal along with his or her written prescriptions. These can be used to get refills of the medication easily when you need to present them to another vet.

Aside from that, you should obey quarantine requirements. This is quite significant especially if you will be transferred to another country. Find out if that nation requires incoming pets to be quarantined. The periods for this may vary from one country to another but they usually last from a week to several months. The owner is the one responsible for all the costs of food, care, and grooming. You can ask the military base vet or the US consulate within the country to are heading to if you need to obtain information on the quarantine regulations and expenses as well.

Preparation for pet relocation does not stop here. You should also ensure that your animal is well geared up for air travel. Not all animals get excited as they board a plane. In addition to that, the Department of Defense normally has strict rules and policies concerning the transport of pets on military aircraft.

Meanwhile, if you will be on a commercial plane, you might want to get in touch with the airline to make a request for information about their specific guidelines on vaccine, carrier size, and licensing requirements. Some airlines permit companion animals to use their cabin; others may require owners to place them in the cargo hold. Either way, you have to be prepared at all times.

There are instances when accidental misplacement of animals happens but you can avoid that by choosing nonstop flights. Also, select an early morning flight. If you cannot, late evening travel will do especially during the summer season or when going to or from a place with a hot climate.

Tranquilizers and sedatives are not recommended because some medications may produce adverse results at high altitudes.An ID tag and a collar can also help during travel. In case you cannot move your pet as you expected, it is best to have a backup plan that you can follow for such an event.

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